Ronald T. Eguchi
ASCE Member Since 1975
Ronald T. Eguchi, M.ASCE was born in Los Angeles, California and currently resides in La Palma. He received his B.S. in Engineering and M.S. in Systems and Earthquake Engineering from University of California, Los Angeles. His field specialties include: Earthquake Engineering; Lifeline Earthquake Engineering; Remote Sensing & Disaster Management. Mr. Eguchi has worked for J.H. Wiggins Company, Agbabian Associates, Engineering Mechanics, Dames & Moore, EQE International and is currently President and CEO, ImageCat, Inc. which he considers his most gratifying position. Starting his own company was his most significant career achievement.
Other significant achievements include:
1992 - Chair of National Panel established by FEMA and NIST
1997 - ASCE/TCLEE C. Martin Duke Lifeline Earthquake Engineering Award
2006 - ATC Award of Excellence (ATC-61 Project)
2008 - EERI Distinguished Lecturer Award
2008 - Keynote Speaker: 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
2013 - Keynote Speaker: 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (Tokyo, Japan); 12th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering (Seattle)
2014 - Keynote Speaker: 14th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium
Responded to various recent natural disasters: 2010 Haiti earthquake; 2011 Tohoku earthquake; 2011 Christ Church earthquake; 2012 Hurricane Sandy
Significant Professional Offices/Positions Held and Organization:
Chairman of ASCE/TCLEE Executive Committee, Committee on Seismic Risk and Award Committee (1990-1991)
Associate Editor of ASCE Hazards Review Journal (1998-2003)
Chairman of ASCE/SEI Committee on Advanced Technologies
Chairman of Remote Sensing Subcommittee of EERI (2002-2005)
Editorial Board of EERI Spectra Journal (1984-1993)
Chair of ASTM Subcommittee on Seismic Fragility Formulations for Water Transmission (2002-2003)
Chairman of FEMA/NIST Steering Committee to Develop a Plan for Assembling Seismic Design Standards for Lifelines (1991-1992)
Mr. Eguchi’s most significant lifetime achievement is starting a family with his wife Joyce. They have three children, Marc, Marcia and Michael and two lovely grandchildren.