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The Construction Institute Orange County Chapter allows our members to interact with other professionals in the construction industry whom practice civil engineering.  We regularly send active Orange County Branch members to CI Congresses held on a annual bases across the country.  We hope the Orange County Branch members will learn new ideas and find interesting speaker topics that we can bring back to our local branch members.  CI OC periodically holds joint events with the Orange County Branch to cover subjects related to the construction industry during branch general meetings.  The Orange County Branch and the CI Orange County Chapter work together to provide continuing educations events that are relevant CI members. We hope you will come out and participate in our institute and work with us to build a strong organization.



Bridging the Gap: From Design to Construction Series

Interactive series that takes you though various construction aspects and milestones of a project from conception to completion while bridging the gap from design to construction. 

Women in Construction Week

Women in Construction Week (WIC) Week is celebrated during the first full week in March to honor the men and women who have helped pave the way for women in the construction industry as well as highlight the available opportunities for women in the office and in the field. We have hosted three annual Women in Construction events, two of which have been week long events. We look forward to celebrating with you in March! 


Construction Institute Chair

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