ASCE Orange County Branch Past President
1999 - 2000
Tony Rahimian
Tony started with ASCE in 1980 and has been an active member of the Branch since 1989 when he moved to Orange County. Tony is the founding member of the Orange County Transportation Technical Group and served as the Chairman of this group in 1992 and 1993. He is also a member of AmeIican Public Works Association (APWA) and National Civil Engineering Honor Society ChiEpsilon. Tony received his M.S. in Civil Engineering from Purdue University. and a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Evansville, Indiana. He is a Registered Professional Civil Engineer in the state of California. Tony was previously employed by Fluor Daniel and worked as project manager for design and construction of over $150 million of improvements along 10 miles of State Route 91 in Orange County. He is also responsible for development and capital improvements of commuter Rail Stations within the County of Orange.