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Small Project

William R. Mason Regional Park Driveway & Roadway Improvements

Orange County Parks

The County of Orange, Orange County Parks Department (OC Parks) owns and operates the William R. Mason Regional Park, located in the City of Irvine. The main entrance to the park is located along University Drive. Sand Canyon Wash runs from east to west along the northern boundary of the park, just south of University Drive. This wash, along with much of the park, is designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as a special flood hazard area. The existing park entrance roadway suffered poor drainage and pavement failure, and lacked safe bicycle/pedestrian facilities. This project improved the vehicle entrance from University Drive into the park, including the roundabout/parking area, with new landscaping and surfacing. The project improvements included the grind and overlay of the existing pavement with sustainable pervious concrete, installing ADA-compliant curb ramps for pedestrian use, widening the existing roadway to accommodate maintenance vehicles by the ticket booth, installing a raised crosswalk with decorative stamped concrete, drainage improvements, improved signage, improved traffic striping, landscape improvements, and bioswales.

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